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have it in
To engage in sexual intercourse, said of a male. See copulation for synonyms.Quote: Woody Allen in Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989): ' The last time I was inside a woman was when I was inside the Statue of Liberty.'
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have flapperitis
have fondness for
have fun
have fun with
have high blonde pressure
have hot nuts
have hot nuts for
have hot pants
have hot pants for
have hot pudding for supper
have intimate relations with
have it away with
have it bad
have it both ways
have it dissolved
have it hard
have it in large gobs
have it in large helpings
have it off
have it off with
have it on
have it Reno'd
have it Reno-vated
have it tied
have itchy pants
have kittens
have lead in one's pencil
have legs
have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
have on
have one in the oven
have fondness for
have fun
have fun with
have high blonde pressure
have hot nuts
have hot nuts for
have hot pants
have hot pants for
have hot pudding for supper
have intimate relations with
have it away with
have it bad
have it both ways
have it dissolved
have it hard
have it in
have it in a big wayhave it in large gobs
have it in large helpings
have it off
have it off with
have it on
have it Reno'd
have it Reno-vated
have it tied
have itchy pants
have kittens
have lead in one's pencil
have legs
have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
have on
have one in the oven